The Currency Traders Handbook

The Currency Traders Handbook - Booker 2005
The Currency Traders Handbook

To tell the long story short — I didn't like Rob Booker’s The Currency Trader’s Handbook. It’s a very “general book”, which can be interesting only to the new Forex traders (or too desperate experienced ones), and its pages have an unbearable ratio of small talk to useful content. A comparison with Ed Ponsi's Forex Patterns & Probabilities comes to mind and the latter looks much better. But let’s get to the detailed review of this Forex book…
The book is very short (only 114 pages) and there’s little to read on every page. It’d be a great advantage but only if those pages contained some really helpful information. Rob lays out the following theses, among others less important, in his book:

  • Profitable Forex trading is possible — no matter how much you've lost before.
  • Aiming for small gains is a viable tactic in Forex.
  • Avoiding loss is the main priority — the smallest gain is always better than any loss.
  • Confidence is very important in Forex trading.
  • Emotions can be used to help you to trade.
  • Discipline should be practiced by Forex traders. Any trading talent is nothing without discipline.
  • Trading is boring for the successful professional traders.
  • It’s easier to learn trading with a coach or a mentor.
  • The period of day when you trade is very important.

There were others (especially in his 10 Rules of Trading) but they were mentioned only once in the book and weren't emphasized as strongly as the theses listed above. Despite my overall quite bad impression from this Handbook, there were certain advantages in it, which I enjoyed:

  • Fun writing style. At least you won’t be bored while reading it.
  • The mentions of several very important things (like trading journal, being honest about your trading results, etc.) Unfortunately, they are just brief references.
  • This book can have a good psychological impact if you've lost a lot in Forex recently.
  • Some basic ideas for the trading systems.
But even those advantages probably won’t stop you from regretting the moment you've bought the book and spent time reading it. The Currency Trader’s Handbook certainly has its huge disadvantages:

  • The book teaches you almost nothing.
  • It contains some really strange mistakes (like the listed incorrect margin values required to hold positions).
  • Ads of Rob Booker’s site — yeah, there are free things too there, but the ads are ads and you don’t really expect to see them in a paid book.
  • 10 pips “strategy” can be quite dangerous for the new Forex traders — they’ll learn to cut profits short.
  • His 5/13/62 strategy isn't a real “strategy” — it’s just a set of entry rules with some incomplete guidance for the exits. Not a word about position sizing or what to do in case of the change in the order of the moving averages. All numbers are given in pips, which doesn't makes a lot of sense, since 100 pips in GBP/JPY is nothing like 100 pips in EUR/GBP.
There are better Forex books to spend your time and money. And if you've already read everything else then there will be little new or interesting in this Handbook for you. Even if you are a newbie trader — choose something else as your starting book. Reading Rob’s writings can be useful only if you need a fast psychological comforting after the unsuccessful trading periods.

Forex Trading Using Intermarket Analysis

Forex Trading Using Intermarket Analysis - Mendelsohn 2006
Forex Trading Using Intermarket Analysis

DOWNLOAD eBook for Free
In today's global marketplace, currency values fluctuate every day, and foreign exchange is the biggest market of them all, trading well over $1 trillion a day--more than all other markets combined Master this market that never sleeps, and you could be a big winner. Just to survive in the hottest marketplace in the world, you will have to learn how to stay one step ahead of the game. This book is intended for traders and investors who use technology to win.

Beat the Forex Dealer - An Insider's Look into Trading Today's Forex Market

Beat the Forex Dealer - An Insider's Look into Trading Today's FX Mkt - Silvani 2008
Beat the Forex Dealer

The foreign-exchange market is often referred to as the Slaughterhouse where novice traders go to get 'chopped up'. It is one of egos and money, where millions of dollars are won and lost every day and phones are routinely thrown across hectic trading desks. This palpable excitement has led to the explosion of the retail FX market, which has unfortunately spawned a new breed of authors and gurus more than happy to provide misleading and often downright fraudulent information by promising traders riches while making forex trading 'easy'.

Well I'll let you in on a little secret: there is nothing easy about trading currencies. If you don't believe me then stop by Warren Buffet's office and ask him how he could lose $850m betting on the dollar or ask George Soros why his short yen bets cost him $600m not once but twice in 1994. What's wrong with these guys, don't they read FX books?

In reality, the average client's trading approach combined with the unscrupulous practices of some brokers make spot FX trading more akin to the games found on the Vegas strip than to anything seen on Wall St. The FX market is littered with the remains of day traders and genius 'systems,' and to survive in the long-run traders have to realize that they are playing a game where the cards are clearly stacked against them.

Have you ever had your stop hit at a price that turned out to be the low/high for the day? Bad luck perhaps? Maybe. What if it happens more than once? Do you ever feel like the market is out to get you? Well guess what, in this Zero Sum game it absolutely is.

Covering the day-to-day mechanics of the FX market and the unsavoury dealings going on, Beat the Forex Dealer offers traders the market-proven trading techniques needed to side-step dealer traps and develop winning trading methods. Learn from an industry insider the truth behind dirty dealer practices including: stop-hunting, price shading, trading against clients and 'no dealing desk' realities.

Detailing the dealer-inspired trading techniques developed by MIGFX Inc, consistently ranked among the world's leading currency trading firms, the book helps turn average traders into winning traders; and in a market with a 90% loss rate winning traders are in fact quite rare! More than just a simple manual, Beat the Forex Dealer brings to life the excitement of the FX market by delivering insights into some of the greatest trading triumphs and highlighting legendary disasters; all written in an easy to read style.

Make no mistake about it there is a lot of money to be made in currency trading, you just have to know where to look. Sidestepping simple dealer traps is one way of improving your daily p&l, but it is surely not the only one. Successful trading comes down to taking care of the details, which means skipping the theoretical stuff and providing only up-to-date, real-life examples while sharing the FX trading tips that have proved so profitable over the years. By stripping away the theory and getting down to the core of trading, you too will find yourself on the way to beating the forex dealer!